Bengaluru Software mastermind drives auto on weekends to combat loneliness

The Microsoft mastermind, whose name has not been bared, joined the Namma Yaari app and drives an auto on the weekends.
Bengaluru Software mastermind drives auto on weekends to combat loneliness
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A 35- time-old Microsoft software mastermind drives an auto on weekends to stay down from loneliness. A post by one of his guests has gone viral on social media platforms with some showing sympathy for the mastermind while others encouraging his move.

In an X post, Venkatesh Gupta, a cracker, wrote, “ Met a 35- time-old staff software mastermind at Microsoft in Koramangala driving Namma Yatri to combat loneliness on weekends. numerous have replied to the videotape. An X stoner expressed sadness in the post.

“ That’s just straight sad.( If true). ” Another X stoner said it's a common practice to resort to part- time jobs to combat loneliness. “ It can be. I ’ve met a couple of Rapido riders in Bengaluru who ride nearly diurnal to explore Bengaluru, meet people, and more importantly combat loneliness, ” the X stoner said.

Another stoner said, “ As the tech assiduity grows, so does the miracle of loneliness among professionals. A retired verity occasionally, the most advanced technology ca n’t replace mortal commerce. ”

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