Maratha reservation! No reservation, family won't bear cost of education, says Maratha girl

Maratha reservation! No reservation, family won't bear cost of education, says Maratha girl

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Manoj Jarange Patil, who is fighting for Maratha reservation, held an awareness and peace rally in Jalna on Friday. Meanwhile, some Maratha youths have committed suicide due to frustration over the government not accepting their demand for reservation. The incident took place in Bhokardan area of the district. Unable to bear the expenses of her education, the girl committed suicide. (Maratha Reservation)

The deceased has been identified as Shivani Sanjay Hiwale (18). He scored 72 per cent marks. However, due to the poor condition of the house and not being able to meet the expenses for further education, the expenses would have been less if there was Maratha reservation. He wrote a note and jumped into the well and committed suicide.

Shivani's education till now was done by her maternal uncle. She wanted to learn more.
She was in the first year of B.A.
However, there is no Maratha reservation in Maharashtra.
With this thought, she wrote a letter and expressed her feelings and ended her life by jumping into the well.

The Democracy News