Telangana Farmer beaten to death for demanding divorce

The victim, who has been linked as Paramesh, a native of Nalgonda quarter, was married to Swapna, a occupant of Kandukur mandal, for around 12 times
Telangana Farmer beaten to death for demanding divorce
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Hyderabad : A 37- time-old planter was allegedly beaten to death by his woman and mama - in- law for demanding a divorce at Kandukur mandal of Ranga Reddy quarter on Wednesday night, July 3. The victim, who has been linked as Paramesh, a native of Nalgonda quarter, was married to Swapna, a occupant of Kandukur mandal, for around 12 times.

According to reports, the couple frequently quibbled over petty issues since their marriage. lately, Swapna, frustrated by the constant fights, moved in with her mama , Sukhamma, and the victim sometimes visited her. Feeling disturbed by Paramesh’s visits, still, on Wednesday autumn, Paramesh, maddened by his connubial condition, demanded a divorce from Swapna, leading to another quarrel.

Believing that Paramesh would not change his mind, the indicted, Swapna, and Sukhamma cooked a plan to exclude him. The same night, when Paramesh returned home under the influence of alcohol, the indicted allegedly beat him with sticks, performing in his death on the spot.

They also took his body and ditched it on the outskirts of the vill. When townies spotted the departed lying near the road, they notified the police. The authorities arrived at the scene and transported the body to Osmania General Hospital for a posthumous.

The Democracy News