Tomato prices soar to Rs.80 per kg.

The price of tomatoes, which has been stable for the last four to five months, has started to bounce. The price of tomatoes has gone up in the noncommercial and retail requests.
Tomato prices soar to Rs.80 per kg.
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Navi Mumbai Tomato prices, which have been stable for the last four to five months, have started to bounce back. The price of tomatoes has gone up in the non-commercial and retail requests. According to dealers, the prices of tomatoes have increased due to the drop in the appearance of tomatoes from abroad and Maharashtra.

On Wednesday, 48 buses arrived in the request, and the non-commercial price increased by Rs.8 and the retail request doubled. Tomatoes, which were before available at Rs.20- 24 in non-commercial, have now gone up to Rs.28- 32. Tomatoes are entering the APMC request in Vashi in small amounts.

As a result, the force is less and the demand is more. Last week, further than 2,000 quintals of tomatoes were arriving and now 1,800 quintals are arriving. Due to rains and hailstorms, product has been affected and growers are unfit to vend their yield. In Maharashtra, tomatoes are imported from Satara, Sangli and Sangamner.

The price of tomatoes had reached a record high in July last time. In the retail request it was Rs.150 to Rs.180 and in the noncommercial request it was Rs.100 to Rs.110. still, after August, the prices of tomatoes have come down. Tomato is being vended at Rs.28- 32 per kg in the noncommercial request and Rs.80 per kg in the retail request.

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