Woman, four  kiddies washed down in Pune cascade

Woman, four kiddies washed down in Pune cascade

Lonavala Police issued appeal asking people to exercise extreme caution while visiting some of popular thunderstorm fun and games spots in and around the hill station.
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Pune Fiver persons including a woman and four minor kiddies, were washed down in a cascade and drowned downstream in a force, at the celebrated hill station of Lonavala in Maharashtra on Sunday, a police officer said. Lonavala Police Station incharge Mayur Agnave said that the tragedy passed around 2:00 p.m. when the victims, all from Pune, and some others had gone to enjoy the cascade, gushing in the hilly timbers near the Bhushi Dam.

The deceased have been linked as ShaistaL. Ansari( 36), AmaimaA. Ansari,( 13), UmaishA. Ansari, 8, whose bodies were recovered late Sunday evening from the levee. Two other victims are AdnanS. Ansari( 9) and MariaA. Syed( 9) whose bodies haven't been set up and the hunt shall be proceeded on Monday morning, the police officer said.

Original residers suspect that they may have slipped on the mossy monuments at the base of the cascade, got carried down in the force of the water and met a watery end in the Bhushi Dam waters which were lashed by heavy downfall in the once many days.

Taking serious cognizance of the tragedy, the Lonavala Police have issued an appeal asking people to exercise extreme caution while visiting some of the popular thunderstorm fun and games spots in and around the hill station They've also prompted the people to refrain from sinning into unknown or isolated areas which may prove dangerous.

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