Pune Police Chief Warns of Severe Action Against Road Violators And Eve-teasers

Pune Police Chief Cracks Down on Road Violators
Pune Police Chief Warns of Severe Action Against Road Violators And Eve-teasers
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Amitesh Kumar, the Chief of Pune Police, stressed the importance of reducing road violations and issued a stern warning to those who break the law. He specifically mentioned incidents involving violence against women, altercations on the roadside, damage to vehicles, and other public offenses.

Kumar revealed that a list of individuals with criminal records has been compiled after the elections, with a focus on apprehending those who are avoiding the law or have been temporarily released from prison. In addition, proactive measures will be implemented to address potential troublemakers in the coming months, particularly in light of the elections. Strict enforcement will be in place, especially with regards to bars, restaurants, street vendors, drunk driving near liquor stores, and unauthorized alcohol sales outside licensed establishments.

The Democracy News