British PM Rishi Sunak Embraces Hinduism, Takes Oath on Bhagavad Gita

British PM Rishi Sunak Embraces Hinduism, Takes Oath on Bhagavad Gita

Rishi Sunak's Devotion to Hinduism Evident in Oath on Bhagavad Gita
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British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has consistently shown his devotion to Hinduism by frequently visiting Hindu temples and embracing its principles. Following a recent visit to a temple in London, Sunak proudly announced his oath as a Member of Parliament on the Bhagavad Gita, emphasizing how religion serves as a source of inspiration for him.

Accompanying Sunak during this visit was his wife, Akshata Murthy. With upcoming elections in Britain, Sunak visited the Sri Swaminarayan Temple in London, where he spoke to the worshipers about the role of religion in shaping his approach to public service.

Expressing his pride in being a Hindu and drawing strength from his faith, Sunak highlighted the importance of fulfilling duties without fear of consequences, a value he aims to instill in his daughters to guide them towards public service.

During his time at the temple, Sunak engaged with the priests and emphasized the need for children in Hindu society to pursue professions beyond traditional roles like doctors, lawyers, and accountants. Reflecting on his own path, Sunak remarked that while his parents may have envisioned him in those professions, his journey led him to a different calling.

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