Israel loosening rules on appliance imports to lower prices.

This is part of the government's campaign to adopt the less stringent European standards for such products in order to allow for more competition and lower prices for Israelis.
Israel loosening rules on appliance imports to lower prices.
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The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure in Israel is pushing for changes to the "Energy Sources" law to allow for an additional import route for electrical products from Europe. This initiative aims to align with European standards, making it easier for various importers to bring products to Israel without facing bureaucratic hurdles. By adopting less stringent regulations, the government hopes to foster increased competition and lower prices for consumers.

This move is expected to streamline the import process, cut costs, and boost market competition. The Ministry anticipates significant savings for households on product prices and electricity expenses. The initiative, known as "What is good for the electricity consumers in Europe is good for the consumers of the electrical products in Israel," reflects the government's commitment to enhancing consumer benefits.

The Democracy News