Neo-fascists in Italy salute Mussolini on 79th anniversary of his prosecution

Italian neo-fascists honor Mussolini on anniversary of his prosecution with fascist salutation
Neo-fascists in Italy salute Mussolini on 79th anniversary of his prosecution
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Dozens of men in Italy were seen presenting a fascist salutation in honor of Italian oppressor Benito Mussolini on the 79th anniversary of his prosecution. Dressed in black, several neo-fascist sympathizers gathered in Dongo and Giulino di Mezzegra to roar fascist chants during Sunday’s observances.

The men marched through the northern Italian municipalities where, Mussolini was arrested and executed at the end of World War II, and also in Predappio, the notorious oppressor’s motherland and final sleeping place. The caesar was arrested by anti-fascist partisans in Dongo, near Lake Como, on April 27, 1945, while trying to escape to Switzerland with his nut, Clara Petacci, after the Allied emancipation of Italy.

On April 28, Mussolini, 62, and Petacci were executed and their bodies taken to Meezzegra- Giulino to be hanged in the megacity’s central forecourt, just two days before Hitler’s self-murder. Dozens of men raise their arms in a fascist salutation and roar the fascist chant “present” in Dongo, northern Italy, during observances recognizing Italian oppressor Benito Mussolini on the 79th anniversary of his prosecution.

Dressed in black,neo-fascist sympathizers marched through the northern Italian metropolises where Mussolini was arrested and executed at the end of World War II. About 100 men reportedly sang the Bella Ciao song during the form. Moment, a mass of neo-fascists stormed the Dongo and placed 15 roses in the lake in memory of the ministers and officers of Mussolini’s government who were murdered there, according to images of the event.

After a rendition of Taps, the leader of the fests cried “Comrade Benito Mussolini” announcement the crowd raised their hands in a fascist salutation while chanting “presente.” Images taken from Sunday’s event show police vehicles spread throughout the areas where protesters were present in an apparent attempt to break up large groups.

About 100 men reportedly sang the notorious Bella Ciao song during the form. The fascist oppressor had ruled for two decades in Italy before trying to flee the country disguised as a German dogface with his nut, when the socialists of the Garibaldi Brigade honored him and captured him. With the prosecution of Mussolini, the partisans took vengeance for two decades of fascist despotism and five times of world war that would last for several months.

The bloody clashes claimed the lives of further than 400,000 Italian civilians, as well as those who were killed and mutilated by the Italians in their Homeric juggernauts in Libya and Ethiopia, as well as in the Spanish Civil War. Up to 4,000 sympathizers marched to the caesar’s vault and raised their hands in salutation to mark the anniversary. With whoops of ‘ Duce,–Mussolini’s honorific – the crowd descended on the oppressor’s motherland with fascist flags and black shirts.

Addressing the crowd, Mussolini’s great- granddaughter Orsola said at the time “After 100 times, we're still then to pay homage to the man this State loved and whom we will no way stop esteeming. ”

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