Thousands Rally in Australia Demanding Tougher Laws on Gender-Based Violence

Prime Minister joins thousands in rallies for stronger laws against gender-based violence
Thousands Rally in Australia Demanding Tougher Laws on Gender-Based Violence
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Sydney Violence against women is an "epidemic" in Australia, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Saturday, as thousands attended rallies in Sydney and other major Australian metropolises prompting tougher laws on unsexed violence. The rallies were prodded by a surge of violence against women that the government says has seen a woman killed every four days this year. The rallies also followed a mass pecking in Sydney this month that killed six people, including five women.

Protesters demanding stronger felonious laws gathered in Sydney, capital of New South Wales state, for a rally and also a march that closed megacity streets. Some protesters carried signs that read "Respect" and "No further Violence". In South Australia's capital Adelaide, it was estimated around 3,000 people rallied at the megacity's parliament building. Prime Minister Albanese said he'd be part of a rally in the public capital Canberra on Sunday.

" I'll walk with women across Australia to say enough is enough," Albanese said on social media plat form X. "Violence against women is an epidemic. We must do better." In Adelaide, Greens Party Senator Sarah Hanson- Young said" a public emergency response" was demanded to attack the issue." Women are sick and tired of being told' yes it's bad but there is not important we can do".

Hanson-Young said, according to a spoke person analogous challenges were listed across the weekend in state centers Perth, Western Australia; Melbourne, Victoria; Hobart, Tasmania; and Brisbane, Queensland. Gender- grounded violence is an on going issue in Australia, a nation of 26 million. In 2021, tens of thousands rallied over allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct in some of the nation's loftiest political services.

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