Ukraine Russia War : Moscow again attacks Kiev; Russia claims - captured five villages of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said Saturday evening that fighting was continuing in Strylecha and Platenivka, as well as Krasne, Morokhovets, Olynykov, Lukyantsi and Hathyshey.
Ukraine Russia War : Moscow again attacks Kiev; Russia claims - captured five villages of Ukraine.
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The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for over 26 months with no signs of stopping. Recent reports indicate that Russian forces have taken control of five villages in Ukraine, although Ukrainian authorities have not confirmed this. The disputed area along the Kharkiv-Ukraine border is where these villages, including Borysivka, Ohrtseve, Pilna, and Strylecha, were reportedly seized by Russian troops.

President Vladimir Zelensky stated that the fighting continues in several other locations, with Ukrainian forces defending their territory. Thousands of civilians have been displaced due to the ongoing offensive. In a show of support, the United States has pledged $400 million in military aid to Ukraine, including essential air defense systems to bolster their defense capabilities against Russian aggression.

The Democracy News